Sunday, November 2, 2008

A New Calling

As of last Sunday, I was officially released from serving as the Primary chorister in our ward. I know that I am in need of a change, as I have been singing and teaching in Primary since just before Ben was born. And there's no rest on the horizon--I've been called to serve as the Relief Society midweek activities person. What that entails, I do not yet know, but I'm sure it will test my organization and creative skills. I haven't set foot in Relief Society or Sunday school for two years, so hopefully I don't go into shock! I'm actually excited to be able to sit for a few hours every Sunday actually learning, instead of entertaining young kids. But it was so much fun in Primary, and I'm going to miss all of the fun that I had.

1 comment:

Mike and Ashley said...

Good luck with Relief Society. You're right about the new nursery manual too. It is great for little ones. I love my calling as nursery leader. Not that I really know what i'm doing, but that's not really the point of a calling, i've learned. love ya, Ashley